Finding the dream degree next door

Accepting an early offer to study a Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise) at ACPE before her Year 12 exams saved an awful lot of stress for Angelique Markopoulos.

She grew up about 10 minutes from Olympic Park, in Sydney’s West, where ACPE is based and realised early on in her high school years that she wanted to work in a career that combined health and sport, while also allowing space for her love of animals. She resolved to become a chiropractor, with plans to specialise in animal chiropractic care – and when she heard about ACPE’s health science program, realised it provided a great pathway towards her dream.

“I saw ACPE on a bus ad. I thought, it kind of looks great. It was around the corner from home, and I looked into it and had the marks for early entry, so I didn’t have to stress over exams. So I was calm after I knew I could get in and it was all good for me,” Angelique said.

“Because I had the marks high enough for early entry, it took the pressure off. I don’t think many people understand the pressure you go through during Year 12 and HSC.”

Angelique said she was attracted to ACPE’s approach to teaching. Getting to know her lecturers provided valuable insights into their career pathways and also opened doors to a range of industry networks.

As the first person in her family to attend university, she initially wasn’t sure who to turn to for help, but soon found her lecturers were happy to help.

“I didn’t know how to ask support, because my family hadn’t been to uni and I got that from my lecturers who, hands down, were the greatest,” she said.

While ACPE is exclusively focused on courses leading to careers in the sporting industry, specialist subjects enabled Angelique to dive into a range of health science areas to build specialist knowledge, she said.

“I love anatomy. I find it very interesting looking to the biomechanics of some sports. It’s why I love the degree so much. And the anatomy? Just anatomy and physiology. Knowing how everything works fascinates me.

“At ACPE, it’s more than just sport. It’s health science and it’s all about connections as well. You meet so many people, they give you great opportunities.”

“I do see ACPE as more like a private uni. It’s a lot smaller compared to other unis that have this degree and they provide so much more support. Also, the staff and faculty, they’re so experienced.

“I have recommended ACPE to so many other students. Even if they just don’t know what they want to do, but love sport. You can find your feet here.

“If I went to another uni, I don’t think I’d be excelling as I am now.”

Learn more about the Bachelor of Health Science (Exercise)


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